About OurBarbados.Online

OurBarbados.Online was conceptualized and developed by me - Kathy-Lynn Ward, a Barbados web developer.

Since most of my career has been spent creating and marketing websites for tourism businesses (hotels, car rentals, tour companies, restaurants, attractions, etc) I am very aware of the impact that the COVID-19 virus is having on the local tourism industry.

Travel agent friends and repeat visitors to Barbados have also expressed their concern for the island, with particular disappointment from the many guests whose Barbados travel plans were impacted by the disruption to international travel.

Many Bajans have been equally impacted - unable to go out as they normally would to socialize with family and friends, participate in community activities, see work colleagues in person, and enjoy a sea bath, beach stroll or hike.

My goal for OurBarbados.Online is to provide a virtual view of Barbados for visitors who can’t travel at the moment and Bajans stuck at home.

The name of the site emphasises OUR - reflecting the love of Barbados felt by both Bajans and the many guests who feel that here is their "second home".
This love of country has been demonstrated by Barbadians throughout the COVID-19 crisis in the form of support for front line workers, dedication to duty of those workers, volunteer groups across communities, sensible governance, and unison across the political divide.
Visitors have also been showing their fondness for Barbados through encouraging posts on social media and a pledge to return once international travel is viable and safe again.

I went through quite a few names before settling on OurBarbados.Online, but I’m very pleased with this final choice.

I hope this site helps to remind visitors of what awaits them when they return to our 166 sq. miles and to inspire Barbadians in these difficult times and through the challenges ahead.

Thank you for visiting and please contact me with your suggestions and comments.

I’ll leave you with some words from the Barbados national anthem:

Upward and onward we shall go,
Inspired, exulting, free
And greater will our nation grow
In strength and unity


Please get in touch with your suggestions for more content.

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